Some day, a day not on your calendar
And it shouldn’t be long from now
You’ll leave behind your shelter of
Practiced spontaneity and dull knives.
Passing through the meadow, you’ll part the ferns
And cross over a rock wall, just in time
To hear curtain rise on an almost silent
symphony: Welcome to the Dark Woods
Pause briefly at Royal Arch
Here’s your opportunity to release any weapons
Or plowshares. You won’t need them
Where you’re headed.
Maintain your bearing and soon the
Autumnal sun will punch through the canopy
Inviting you to unfold your black oily,
Cormorant wings to dry.
Further down the trail, as your foot falls on
Their talon-like roots, you’ll encounter a
Variety of hardwood trees. They’ll pay you little
Mind because they are leaning in to shelter the
Message of the whispering stream.
Some spirit shakes their tops, sending burgundy
Emissaries to journey downward. Most sink to the bottom, or
Are pulled under by the current. But a few
Float and glide sideways, this way and that,
Steering past the jet-black rocks or navigating around
Mossy green boulders.
Let’s, (all of us) meet at Crystal Lake
The eight year-old boy from last nights’ dream -the one
you held to still his weeping
The grandmother selling peanuts by the side
of the road outside Tegucigalpa
All our Beautiful Monsters
All of Fellini’s freaks and goddesses
Everyone we’ve ever met
Anyone who has ever lived
All of us
Every Stalin, Pol Pot and General Custer
Every ancestor
Every parcel of our personas, unpacked from
our stuff-sacks
They are all welcome
Likewise, all accumulated karmas, causes and conditions
All kindnesses and love, even our greed
All of it held in our two cupped hands
Water spilling over the edges of our begging bowls
And back into Crystal Lake.
Drink, quick before the authorities find out.
http://www.ForestWander.com, CC BY-SA 3.0 US