Berklee Alumni Column #1: Nicole Domagala

Joely Cromack-Kluko

This month, I had the pleasure of talking with 2024 Berklee alum Nicole Domagala. Nicole made for an intriguing first interview. Having completed a pro-music degree with a minor in production, she is a perfect example of the vast range of interests Berklee can spark in its students. Since graduating, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where she is completing an internship with Blackbird Studio. She participates in session set-ups in the very studio where artists like Taylor Swift, Dolly Parton, and Neil Young have recorded. Nicole also works as a stagehand at Cannery Hall, a local music venue. However, music is more than just her career, as she spends her free time working on personal projects at her home studio.

Nicole, like myself, started at Berklee in its first online semester in 2020. We agreed that it was an intimidating start and made networking difficult. When asked if she had advice for current Berklee students she responded, “Don’t be afraid to reach out and search for opportunities. Berklee is a big place, it can be overwhelming but it’s worth it.” In the Spring of 2024, she took a trip with the Berklee production and music business faculty to visit Nashville and fell in love with the music scene. Before moving to Nashville Nicole was nervous. After being surrounded by musicians for four years she worried about isolation. Since arriving, she found Berklee is alive and well in Tennessee: “The Nashville music scene and community are very welcoming and supportive, and I have connected with more Berklee alumni than I could’ve imagined. We really are in this together.”

The summer after graduation, Nicole grappled with the fear of the unknown. With the help of the Berklee Career Center she applied to several studios and heard back from Blackbird nearly three months later. The waiting game before committing to a “next step” can be discouraging. Looking back, she said, “I’m almost grateful for [the unknown] because it helped me learn to trust myself and trust the process.”

Reflecting on her time at Berklee, Nicole shared that she is thankful for what she learned about the music industry. Studying music business and legal aspects proved useful in pursuing her interests. Coupled with learning the technical skills of producing, like working in DAWs, and the art of songwriting, Nicole explored multiple music career avenues. This combined knowledge readied her to take the leap and apply to Blackbird.

Nicole is focusing on her artistry and persona. When asked how her musical identity developed, she responded, “I wasn’t a musical prodigy but Berklee showed me I can make it as an independent artist despite that. I was shown how much goes into recording and mixing and promoting and I took that with me.” She expressed her struggle with finding her sound as an artist: “It’s something that is constantly evolving and I’m learning to be patient with that and have fun with it.”

Most recently, Nicole has been working on turning her demos into singles. They will be out in the Spring of 2025. She also participates in the Cicada Collective, an organization in Nashville that holds fundraiser concerts for community aid. Her Spotify is Nicky Doma, where you’ll find her latest EP, “Piece of Me. ” She’d like to share that her DMs are open for music collaborations of any kind. You can connect with her on Instagram @nickydoma.

I am grateful for the opportunity to interview such a hard-working, ambitious talent.
With that, I’ll leave with a note from Nicole:

“Life doesn’t end after college, it’s just the start. It’s unrealistic for me to tell you to be fearless because I still get scared—but do it scared. Do it for you and because you love it. Most importantly though, be kind to yourself”

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