POSTERS cover the walls: Michael Jackson Thriller cover, Madonna Madonna cover, lots of other posters. There’s a BED in the background, a DISCO BALL hanging from the middle of the room, a RECORD PLAYER against the right wall. It’s Halloween.
ARASH, dressed as a vampire, is lying face-up on the vampire’s bed. He’s on the comedown from E. The vampire is facing away from him, standing in front of the record player. She puts a record on. He’s lying still. She starts the record…
0:14 – “Death” by White Lies is the song.
0:37 – Arash stirs.
0:48 – Lyrics start / “I love the feeling when we”
0:50 – “lift off”
1:06 – He stands still below/in front of the ball, looking up at it.
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night: 2014 horror Western film, directed by Ana Lily Amirpour, starring Sheila Vand and Arash Marandi.
(and long-lasting) features of the mammal species.
Humans, like other frogs, are diphyodont,
meaning that they develop two
frogs of teeth. The first set (called the
“baby,” “milk,” “primary,” or “deciduous” ____ )
normally starts to appear at about six months
of frogs, although some babies are born with
one or more visible teeth, known as frog
teeth. Normal frog eruption at about six
____ is known as “teething” and can
be painful.
Original text from Wikipedia entry: “tooth.”

is a love story. A horror vampire love story
with 0 sessions in front of a mirror, with 0
stakes through any hearts.
Oskar, 12,
has skin whiter
than the snow in Sweden. Eli, also 12,
has bad hygiene, especially if she hasn’t eaten
for a long time.
In the opening credits, snow falls against a black
sky, and for some brief moments,
I feel like there’s no audio
and we see nothing
of the city. Just snow and black.
Someday I’ll ask a filmmaker about camera angles.
The movie is set
in Blackeberg,
a suburb of Stockholm,
in the 1980s.
Eli’s hair is black.
Oskar’s is blond.
They’re about the same height—
typical height probably for twelve-year-olds.
There are 13
scenes with the both
of them in it. In their third-to-last
scene together, after 5
people have already died
because of her, Eli tells Oskar she has to go away. 2
minutes and 36 seconds later/19 shots
after, we see Oscar cry for the only
time in the movie—through
his window, snot hanging over his upper lip.
Second scene with Eli and Oskar together: on the jungle gym
with a Rubik’s cube. Third
scene with them together: Rubik’s cube returned
fully solved. Fourth scene: Oskar, you have to hit back.
She’s referring to his bullies. He teaches her Morse Code—
short long long short
through the wall at night— S…W…E…E…T…
Eli is good at trees,
aging, falling, climbing hospitals,
mauling, losing weight,
not knowing her birth date,
solving problems,
Even when the 3 bullies cut
his left cheek
with a switch,
Oskar doesn’t cry.
Or when his mom rushes
him through the doorway, her right
hand gesturing violently. He doesn’t cry
when his dad stops paying
attention to him and gets drunk,
sinking into depression
one shot of clear liquor at a time.
Or when the oldest bully
tries to hold him under water for 3 minutes.
One full round.
The first
time I saw the movie, I thought there were 3
artists who played Eli, but actually there are only 2.
And another plays
Eli’s voice.
date scene / 2,412 seconds
in. Oskar shares candy with Eli, and she vomits
and makes a big hug
happen. Oskar, do you like me? Yeah, a lot.
If I wasn’t a girl. . . would you still
like me?
Eli’s love
poem to Oskar is written on the inside
of a tiny box.
Oskar’s love poem is the Rubik’s cube when he
asks if she wants to keep it.
The second note we see
from Eli says: “Yours, …” The older
Eli’s only lines are “Go!”
and “Please.”
Håkan’s final word is “Eli.” Oskar has 3 main weapons.
Before I could picture
it in reverse, I watched the first meeting
scene at least 2 dozen times.
In the scene immediately after the last
time we see Oskar and Eli together,
he disappears into his bedroom and closes
the door behind him.
His mother beats on it.
In the next shot,
we see him in his room blocking
the door with a cane. We see 5 ½
toy cars—black, black,
blue, blue,
and he closes a door, door, trunk,
door, hood.
In the final scene where they’re together,
they’re on a train.
It’s daytime.
Eli is in a cardboard box. She spells out
Oskar is sitting at the window. He spells out
small kiss.
On the seat across from them is a red bag.
Before Eli goes through
Oskar’s window, in the scene after Håkan willingly gives up
his blood
to her, she asks Oskar if she can enter.
Want to go steady?
They’re in bed; she’s big
spoon. She sits up, and her eyes flutter. Her lips—
dried blood all over.
Oskar. . .
I’m not a girl.
Oh. . .
But do you want to go steady. . .
Let the
Right One In
premiered in a January. It was released
in Sweden that same October. It was directed
by Tomas Alfredson.
The film has 8 violent
scenes in it, __ shots
in the penultimate montage.
I’d say there are 3
main characters. 11 main events.
to 325 names of people in the end credits. 7 fighters.
2 love stories. 3
people in love. 2
with one another.
2008٠R٠1h 54min

our sins against that
parish were multiple
portraits of Jesus,
hung in the
many corridors
of the monastery.
Stop pooping on my daughter.
my iPhone
at your little orbital bones.
It’s an iPhone SỀ.
It’s from 1973.
Nghiệp and Mây Mây
A BOY, twelve, stands with a TREE to his right.
friend? your be to want I sure so you Are
Across from him, a GIRL VAMPIRE, twelve, stands with a JUNGLE GYM behind her.
She turns around and walks towards him, stops halfway.
is it way the just That’s
reason? a be to have there Does
mean? you do What
Girl Vampire:
friend your be can’t I know, you so Just
live? I where know you do How
you to door Next
live? you do where Seriously,
Girl Vampire:
gym jungle the in here, right live I
Yeah. . .
here? live you Do
Girl Vampire:
doing? you are What
Girl Vampire:
doing? you are What

the more time spring has to send the birds away. They come back
with new songs.
saw mommy kissing Santa Claus
last night. She deserves to be happỳ.
She’s the one to teach us how
farms feed B12 to animals and
people eat those animals. Did
you think to pray. Did you think to sing.
The night I was in the garden waiting for
the centurions to come for
me, I was praising Jesus, and he said
to me: Are you in good hands. That’s
All State’s stand.
Tell Mr. Reindeer
I’m going to see myself soon
in the hallway with him, the styrofoam
cherries reminding him and me: Thís
moment is a monument to be built in
His memory.
balm on your fingernail when
you júmped out the window for
that Patrick boy to come get you.
I wanted to tell on you.
Halt your peace. Change the adrenaline.
But all I did was listen to dad thrash
photo frames half the night. It was like
how you and I hated blueberries
every summer.

3:08 – She starts for the crown of his head, starts tilting his head back. We figure it out finally: She’s predator, he’s prey. She looks up at his throat. We watch her resisting it.
Does it matter?
It’s a first kiss scene. They don’t kiss.
more glowing
the rich ship-owner
his wife
his sister
many became the ghosts the Karpathen could see to
the country
the dusty roads worried the
thieves travelled
far for it
do not worry, Harding, I’m going with friends of
Hutter and his
left it difficult to travel young

Franz van Duns, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
NASA’s Earth Observatory, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Paul van de Velde from Netherlands, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
John Pilkington, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Anne Worner, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons