Indian FUSION The Rasas of Incredible India Events FUSION Magazine Presents Indian FUSION The Trailer Indian FUSION Introduction and Invocation (Shiva Shlokam) “Rasika Priya” Directed by Rekha Menon “Khanda Moon” Directed and Composed by Bruno Raberg Javali, “Nee Maatale” Directed by Rekha Menon “Auliya” Directed by Purvaa Sampath “Bawra Mann” Directed by Vasundhara Gupta “Sanedo Lal Sanedo” Directed by Harshitha Krishnan “Bisht Bosht Mudpies” Michael Heyman “Home” by Aseem Suri “Instinct” Directed by Kai Turnbull “Albela Sajan” Directed by Kai Turnbull “Bhumi” Directed and Composed by Ishita Sinha “Bhangra” Directed by Rekha Menon Indian FUSION Valediction Joseph Coroniti, Editor-in-Chief, FUSION Magazine Photos from Indian FUSION