Edward Wersocki
“Night Vision” sequence
Callie Huber
Tiger Okoshi
Self-Portrait with Gum
Moana Avvenenti
Portraits of Jenna Moynihan
Lauren Desberg
Portrait of fiddler Jenna Moynihan and harpist/vocalist Màiri Chaimbeul
Louise Bichan
Digital Photograph…
Photographs of Six Paintings
Diane Esmond
Star Wars Episode VII: Return of the Empire or Revenge of the Consumer?
Zev Burrows
It’s been almost a year and a half now since multi-billionaire and film executive George Lucas sold his production company, Lucasfilm Ltd., to the Walt Disney Company for an estimated $4.06 billion, as the 69 year-old executive approaches what seems…
Singer-songwriter Moana Avvenenti
Leah Hinton
Interviewer: Who are some Influences?
Moana A.: I’ve had a lot of musical influences, of course. I am a big Michael Jackson fan. I just love the arrangements of his songs. They are so well done. You can distinctively sing…