

William John Bert

Just as Leah opens her mouth to tell him she’s pregnant, Russell says, “There’s something blue down there.” The canyon rises to Leah’s left and falls on her right. Without her glasses, it offers only immediate, myopic pleasures—scrappy scrub brush,…

Hometown Memory Series

Fred Bouchard

This series of personal sketches was drawn from the ‘hometown memories’ of students in response to watching Lowell Blues, a short film by Henry Ferrini based on readings from Jack Kerouac’s written recollections of growing up in Lowell, MA.

Advice for Writers

Daphne Kalotay

I’ve always loved reading and writing, but it wasn’t until my final semester of college that I realized creative writing was something one could study in a class, with other people.  Though I had secretly been writing would-be novels into…

Thrill of the Chase

Nicholas Cabrera

Select: jetpack. Start matchmaking in 3… 2… 1… *boop* Deep, ominous male voice declares, “Slayer.” Jetpack over first wall. Vision impaired. I am taking heavy fire. Aim at head, four shot kill. Land. Pick up a gravity hammer, larger than…

How to Become a Musician

Peter Maltzan

  Be sure to get a guitar for one of your birthdays, the earlier the better.  (Hopefully it’s not too late for you already.)  Think it will make you cooler.  It will not.  Yet. Practice. Play along with your Pink…

Euterpe’s Lament

Changing the Way We View the World through Sound | Katherine Schimmel Baki

“I think the tools available to Beethoven to write his music were insufficient for him. He very often composed by pushing the boundary beyond the instrument available to him at the time and even beyond the reality of the music and matter. When faced with such energy, there is something irrepressible and yet, you have to deal with something tangible, something with limits of its own.” -Pianist, Helene Grimaud

The Despair of Tomatoes

Annie Sklar

My tomatoes are not cooperating. All summer, they have been weedy, leggy, spiraling in long, single stalks along the twine frames that I so thoughtfully set up for them. For hours I carefully laced lines from the porch railing to…

Boys and Girls

Dave Lee

“…Flat 9’s and sharp 11’s are the shit, especially on bass.” It’s painful hearing that, it truly is. It’s freshman year, I’m sitting in the Berklee caf eating alone, my girlfriend in Wisconsin and I have called it quits, and…

Washington Square Park

Peter Maltzan

A homeless man asks me / What I am doing with my life. / The only explanation / I can come up with is this: /