

Charis Tan

As I sat in class listening to my professor read from the Upanishads’ description of the ‘imperishable,’ I became increasingly frustrated that it was more a non-description than a description, filled with non-descriptors and negations. The ‘imperishable’ was unquantifiable and immeasurable. ...

Imperishable Value

Danielle Moreland-Ochoa

I always love discovering my own beliefs. Those moments when an idea is brought to your attention and you are forced to confront how you actually feel about it. It can be satisfying and liberating! Or it can pull out…

For the Time Being

Louis C. Stewart

Kevlin left the council room disturbed by the lack of fresh ideas. The council was definitely thinking in circles. The same old ideas and supposed solutions to the problem had been gone over and over again. The same mistakes were made in genetic control and the results were deplorable. Something drastic had to be done and no one, it seemed, had the courage to deal with it effectively. ...

A Trick

Mike Scott

In the fifties, when the computer revolution was little more than the rustlings of an embryonic microchip, the husband worked and the wife managed the household. You can imagine the stir it created when my Uncle Bill left Western Auto…

Hip-Hop and Reggaetón; parallel grounds

Paola Pierce

It is both empowering and stirring to understand the roots of Hip-Hop, how it emerged as a music genre socially and politically, and how “…both women and men have participated in Hip Hop culture and rap music in ways that…

The Woman Composer Question

Leonoor Rinke de Wit

Genius has always been a heavily debated subject. What is it? Who has it? Why are some people more gifted than others? However, when it comes to the female genius, the past centuries have yielded but little answers. Partly, because…

Freedom: Gender and Technology in Music

Aaron Larson Tevis

In a 2004 interview, Annea Lockwood mentions this “black hole of no info” in relation to the world of composers that happen to be women, more specifically those that interact with technology. Silencing is the key force in this “black hole.” It is a form of cultural removal that can be felt by half of the population, yet, such a topic is still pervaded by a quietness ...

‘Female’ As A Sub-Genre

Jordan Popky

Drummer chick. Girl DJ. Female composer. What do all of these phrases have in common? They’re all effectively “other” women in the music industry. Women who take on roles in the music industry that are traditionally, or stereotypically, associated with…