
What’s in a Landscape?

Wayne Wild

Since the spring of 2017, I have been developing a Liberal Arts course that I call, “Interior and Exterior Landscapes: Identity and Expression.” I added the “Identity and Expression” at the urging of my students, who thoroughly enjoyed the discoveries…

A Comic’s Relief

Chloe Southern

“Do you have any idea how much weed I smoke with your mom?”
The room breaks into laughter. Will basks in his punchline, soaking up the spotlight. He saunters across the stage smiling, his eyes down, as if his next…

Five Poems

Brenda Miller


as in burned at
for heresy or misunderstanding—

martyrdom or taken
in error, mistaken ...

Excerpts from “Alva and the Beast”

L.S. McKee

These poems are excerpted from a series in progress currently titled “Alva and the Beast.” This project, through its central character Alva, explores tropes of passion, longing, loss, and mortality through the lens of nature and technology—and how these two…

Seeking Thought Itself

Bryce Perry

What do we mean when we say, “Humans were gifted the ability to think.”? Thinking- the active occupation of the conscious mind, is supposedly the catalytic quality which separated man from animal millions of years ago. When Homo-sapiens began…