Category:Creative Nonfiction

Thrill of the Chase

Nicholas Cabrera

Select: jetpack. Start matchmaking in 3… 2… 1… *boop* Deep, ominous male voice declares, “Slayer.” Jetpack over first wall. Vision impaired. I am taking heavy fire. Aim at head, four shot kill. Land. Pick up a gravity hammer, larger than…

The Despair of Tomatoes

Annie Sklar

My tomatoes are not cooperating. All summer, they have been weedy, leggy, spiraling in long, single stalks along the twine frames that I so thoughtfully set up for them. For hours I carefully laced lines from the porch railing to…

Boys and Girls

Dave Lee

“…Flat 9’s and sharp 11’s are the shit, especially on bass.” It’s painful hearing that, it truly is. It’s freshman year, I’m sitting in the Berklee caf eating alone, my girlfriend in Wisconsin and I have called it quits, and…

The First Thanksgiving

Luis Lascano

The doorbell woke me up from a nightmare. Still asleep and confused, I almost stumbled while I was walking toward the door. The only thing I could see through the peephole was the enlarged version of one of my roommates,…

One Winter Morning

Kikuta Norihiro

Cold Bright day. White Breath. Beautiful low peach winter sun. Birds are singing in the middle of pale tree. Storm brought snowman to a new jacket last night. He is smiling with carrot mouth. Picked up the newspaper. Under the…

Fooled by the Fifty-Seven

Aidan Sherry

The fifty-seven bus has a strained relationship with its riders.  It is a bus with unrivaled convenience and comfort.  It takes its loyal followers sometimes within feet of their final destination.  While it is a good friend to many, it…

In the Music

Suzanne Hanser

As a child, I thrived on my family’s songs and piano music.  But I did not know then all that music could do for me.  Through it, I played out my desires, pain and turmoil.  Through it, I invented melodies…


John Lippincott

Have you ever been cut off by a careless biker while you were strolling peacefully down the sidewalk?  That biker is usually me late for class. However, yesterday morning I was a careful and calm biker who slowly pedaled his…