Category:The Italian Feature

3+1=54+1=55. Letter of the Year: A multimedia sculptural installation

María Magdalena Campos-Pons & Neil Leonard

53+1=54+1=55.Letter of the Year is a multimedia installation about home, migration, the necessity of finding and redefining the meaning of permanency and locality. Birdcages were used by emperors and common men to capture beauty and to dream of freedom. From Yoruba deities, to Leonardo da Vinci, to space travel today, men and women have always dreamed of flight as embodying a lightness of being.


Moira Lo Bianco

“This album is a cloud of thoughts, a nest of feelings”- Moira Lo Bianco The Lunaria is a leaf that seems to be made of silk but develops a sharp stem, like it wants to protect itself from the world. Framed by the essence of the Lunaria leaf, Moira Lo Bianco’s album Lunaria continues the delicate story of romance wrapped in the silks of classical, jazz and middle eastern styles.